Alli Bodnar Alli Bodnar

Prime Day… where are you going to put that stuff?

Other potential titles:

Prime Day… a professional organizers nightmare.

Prime Day… as if 2 day shipping wasn’t bad enough.

Prime Day… please don’t keep the boxes.

Prime Day… what is it really costing you for a “good deal”.

Prime Day… the reason pro organizers exist.

Prime Day… aka reverse decluttering.

Do you get it? BE CAREFUL FRIENDS.

All jokes aside… please be mindful of what you are ordering from Amazon (and other online retailers).

Prime Day can be great, and can be awful. All at once. As a professional organizer, I spend my days in homes with TOO MUCH STUFF. And then the people with too much stuff, see a good “deal” and buy MORE STUFF. If you’re one of the millions of people who will be ordering on Prime Day, ask yourself these questions:

  1. If it wasn’t on sale, would I still be buying it?

  2. Is this actually a good deal or did they raise the price so they could “discount” it.

    • A tip I have is to build your cart before the sales start. Write down the prices. See if they actually get cheaper.

  3. Where will I put this once it enters my house?

  4. What am I willing to get rid of to make space for it?

  5. Do I actually need this or was I influenced???

Now don’t get me wrong, I sure do have an Amazon account, 2 actually. One for personal and one for business. I do have some favorite products that I promote, for when the decluttering and measuring has been done. And yes, I may be making some Prime Day purchases. But… I will be shopping for clients and for those items that have been on my wish list and have truly been discounted.

Prime Day aside… I still recommend the above questions for regular Amazon shopping. Plus the following tips:

  • Build your cart and wait a few days. Do you still need those items?

  • Use Subscribe and Save with caution. Do you find yourself bogged down with your subscription items? If so, it may not be for you. Or perhaps you don’t have your timing down to a science.

    • S&S tip. When you open a package (dish pods for example) write the date down on it. See how long it takes for you to use it. Repeat. You’ll then have an idea of how often you need that delivery.

Proceed with caution. I beg.

And for the sake of all organizers out there… DON’T KEEP THE “GOOD BOX”.

Better yet! Fill it with donations and drop it off immediately.

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Alli Bodnar Alli Bodnar

Don’t strike out because of “what ifs”.

Baseball season is here! And just like a player stepping up to the plate, you can’t be afraid of what is in front of you or what is coming your way. Learn some tips and tricks to overcome some of the biggest organizing roadblocks.

Never let the fear of striking out decluttering keep you from playing the game getting organized. -Babe Ruth Alli B

In baseball, you must swing in order to hit the ball.

In organizing, you must declutter to make space for the things that matter! 

However, when faced with a tough pitcher like the phrase “what if”, often people are too afraid to even swing.

The tough “what ifs” of decluttering…

What if this is too hard?

What if I need this in the future?

What if people judge me?

But what about these…

What if I find something I once loved that was lost?

What if I feel calmer?

What if I can find everything I am looking for?

What if I donate something someone else really needs/wants?

What if I love my home after I’m done?

Doesn’t that sound amazing?

A home that you love with only the things that you need, all in places that you can find them.  Organizing is a process that takes time but is so worth it.  But before we can get organized, lets dive into those tough what ifs to learn how we can get through those without striking out!

What if this is too hard?

You’re right, decluttering CAN be hard! It is time-consuming and you can be faced with hard decisions.  I recommend a few things to make the process easier. 

  • Break it up into small chunks.  It is ok to start with one shelf, one drawer, or even one item.

  • You can go about it 1 of 2 (or more) ways.  You can look at each item and decide what is going to go (either trash or donate) OR you can go through everything and decide what to keep and get rid of what is left.

  • Start with items that have no sentimental value.

  • Start with your own items before working through someone else’s.

What if I need this in the future?

Sure, every once in awhile we declutter something that we end up needing in the future. Often this situation is rare, and even more often, we can go out and re-purchase the item that we no longer have.  Our houses have a capacity.  If you keep everything that you “might need some day” you will run out of room for things that you need now!

What if people judge me?

This is a fear I have witnessed many times.  I will begin by saying, if you are asking me for help, I am 100% judgement free.   I couldn’t care less about your current state of clutter, I just care about your goals and how to get you there!  And as for other folks, decluttering and getting organized is a form of self-care.  Anyone that judges you for wanting you to better yourself and your home needs thrown out of the game.

Whether you have decided to swing for the fences or simply want to bunt the ball, any time you step up to the decluttering plate, know that you are moving in the right direction.  Getting organized is a process that will not happen overnight, but you can’t let your fear of striking out decluttering keep you from playing the game getting organized.

Are you ready to play?

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Alli Bodnar Alli Bodnar

8 Tips for Successful Holiday Decorating

As a Professional Organizer, who loves Christmas, but lives in a small-ish house with a new baby… I want to help you find the joy again in holiday decorating.

It seems like every year, holiday decorating becomes more and more like a chore and less enjoyable. I want to give you some of my best and easiest tips to bring back that holiday joy. As a Professional Organizer, who loves Christmas, but lives in a small-ish house with a new baby, here is my TOP 8!

1) Donate what you don’t like

Year after year, do you leave the same decorations in your bins and never put them up? Ask yourself why! If it is because you don’t like them, it is time to send them off to their new home! It is even better to donate at the beginning of the season because that is when donation locations are more likely to be able to immediately sell your decorations!

2) Give yourself permission

Sometimes you find yourself in a different season of life (ahem... kids). I want you to give yourself permission to decorate differently, or for that matter, decorate less for a year, if that is what you need to stay sane! This year in particular I decided to not put up our nativity. We just simply don’t have the surface area to dedicate to that decoration this year.

3) Don’t follow trends

Trends can cause decorations to get out of hand fast! I recommend finding a type of decoration or theme that you enjoy and sticking to it. This doesn’t mean you can’t add or change up a few decorations, but don’t buy everything new each year!

4) Mix it up

Are you bored of the same old thing? Instead of buying all new decor (see previous slide), try mixing it up. Typically have your tree in front of your window? Move it to another corner, or even another room!

5) Repurpose

If you have a small house like me, you may not have room for lots of decor. You may also lack storage space. Repurpose items that you keep year round. Me? I wrap all of my photos and artwork so they look like presents!

6) Ditch the cardboard

Individual boxes for decorations can not only take up a ton of space in storage, but they take up a ton of time when you decorate and undecorate! Consider eliminating the extra packaging for ornaments or figurines and instead, wrap them up and store them safely in a tote or ornament box.

7) Label, Label, Label!

No I am not saying you need to label all of your decorations, but I do recommend labeling your decoration bins! Imagine going to your storage space and knowing exactly what was in each bin before you opened them... chefs kiss!

8) Hire a Professional

Did you know that there are people out there that you can hire to do your Christmas decorating? Even more amazing, some of those individuals do tear down and storage (ahem... ME!!!). If it feels like you don’t have enough time in your holiday season... it might be time to hire a professional!

Did these tips help you? I’d love for you to share them with a friend!

And as always, if you think you’re ready for help. You know where to find me.

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Newborn Organization… Questions to Consider BEFORE Setting Up Your Home

Setting up your home for a newborn involves asking yourself crucial questions about diapering, feeding, dressing/clothing, sleeping, and managing the influx of baby items. By considering these questions, you can tailor your home's layout and storage solutions to suit your specific needs and space constraints.

Preparing your home for a newborn requires thoughtful planning to create an organized, safe, comfortable, and functional space. Whether you have a small apartment, a large house, or a multi-level home, there things to consideration for diapering, feeding, dressing/clothing, sleeping, and managing the influx of baby items in all rooms of your home.

This blog post is not to create overwhelm, but rather to get you thinking about what should be considered EVEN BEFORE beginning to prep for baby’s arrival. These are questions to ask as you begin your registry and before you go out and buy all new bins and containers!


  1. Where will you set up a dedicated diaper changing station?

  2. For multi-level homes, should you have diapering stations on each floor to minimize trips?

  3. Are you using disposable or cloth diapers?

  4. Have you considered storage solutions to keep diapering essentials (diapers, wipes, creams) organized and within reach?

  5. How will you manage odor containment, especially if you have limited space?

  6. If using cloth diapers, do you have space dedicated in your bathroom and laundry for proper sanitary cleaning?


  1. Where will you establish a comfortable and convenient feeding area?

  2. Do you need to have feeding (bottle or nursing) options on multiple floors of the home?

  3. Do you need refrigeration, bottle warming options or a sink nearby? How does your home layout affect your access?

  4. Where will you or your partner/family members sit to feed the newborn? Can you fit a chair/glider or are you going to use something you already own?

  5. Are there nearby storage options for essentials like burp cloths, bottles, and breast pump accessories? Don’t forget… snacks for mom!

  6. Are you prepared for the EXCESSIVE number of parts and pieces that will take over your kitchen?  Where will you clean and sanitize bottle/pump parts? Where will they be stored if not in use?


  1. Have you allocated sufficient storage for baby clothes, blankets, and accessories?

  2. Do you need to do anything with your closet or purchase furniture to optimize clothing storage space?

  3. Do you have a designated laundry area to manage frequent baby laundry?

  4. Have you identified a dedicated and supportive changing area that suits your home's layout?

  5. How will you organize and store outgrown clothing for future use or donation?


  1. Where will your newborn sleep, and do you have space for a bassinet, crib, or co-sleeping arrangement?

  2. Can you create a calming/noise reduced sleep environment with blackout curtains or shades?

  3. If you have a multi-level home, should you have sleep/nap spaces on each floor for convenience?

  4. How will you store extra bedding, blankets, and sleep-related accessories?

Influx of Item Storage:

  1. How will you handle the influx of baby items and prevent new clutter in your home?

  2. Do you need to declutter prior to the new items arriving?

  3. Are you going to repurpose existing furniture, or do you need new storage solutions?

  4. Will you be utilizing under-bed storage or wall-mounted shelves to maximize space?

  5. Are there designated spaces for small items like toys and books?

  6. How about larger baby gear like strollers or swings?

  7. Will you consider donating or selling items your baby has outgrown to keep your home clutter-free?

  8. Where will you store those items in the meantime?

Setting up your home for a newborn involves asking yourself crucial questions about diapering, feeding, dressing/clothing, sleeping, and managing the influx of baby items. By considering these questions, you can tailor your home's layout and storage solutions to suit your specific needs and space constraints. After you’ve considered these questions, it is a great time to begin your registry (if you’re creating one) or begin preparing for the arrival of your sweet new babe!

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Alli Bodnar Alli Bodnar

ROI: The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Organizer

When you hire an organizer, not only do you get an organized home… you get SO MUCH MORE. Learn about the Return on Your Investment




1.     expend money with the expectation of achieving a profit or material result 

2.     devote (one's time, effort, or energy) to a particular undertaking with the expectation of a worthwhile result

If you have ever talked to a professional organizer, you may have heard the word invest/investment.  I even use the word investment when talking to my own clients.  This is because, just like hiring a plumber or electrician, hiring a professional organizer comes at a price.  Professional Organizers have the tools and techniques to take your house from cluttered and chaotic to contained and calm.

I would love to tell you more about the investment… trust me I could talk about what I do for hours… But what I really want to talk about today is the ROIReturn. On. Investment.

Yes, this means that when you hire an organizer, not only do you get an organized home…

you get SO MUCH MORE

Money. Actual Money

I can’t tell you how many clients have found literal money while decluttering or organizing.  Yes, it could be just a few dollars, but it is a few dollars more than you had when we began this process! Many clients find miscellaneous gift cards as well while digging through junk drawers or purses. Or you could be like a colleague’s client who found $5k in misplaced checks! While this is not always a guarantee, who doesn’t love the possibility of finding misplaced money??

Future Expenses

When decluttering or organizing, many individuals find things they simply did not know, or had forgotten they had!  I recently had a client who said her new organized closet felt like she was going shopping.  No, we had not purchased her new clothes, but simply being able to see what she owned in a clutter-free environment, allowed it to feel brand new. I also often hear that a client recently purchased or was about to purchase an item because they did not remember they already owned it.  Decluttering or getting organized will allow you to know what you already have in your home and will ultimately save you so much money in the future.


As a recent client of mine shared, “I feel like I’ve done a 180”.  After a few sessions together, you can begin to find that motivation that was once lost.  This could be motivation for more decluttering and organizing, working out, cooking… you name it.  Being a part of the organization process and seeing progress made in your home can be so inspirational.


Calling in an organizer can sometimes bring a sense of shame or guilt to a potential client.  First and foremost, I am here to tell you that everyone needs help (yes even organizers) and I truly hope you find someone who you feel comfortable sharing your situation with. We are not here to judge or make you feel ashamed. Organizing can truly take what was once a place in which you wanted to hide from the world into a place that you are proud of.  I recently worked with a woman who was even afraid to show me her closet.  By the end of the project, she said “I can’t wait to show this to all of my friends.”  It truly demonstrates how transformative working with a professional organizer can be.  We all deserve to love our homes and deserve to have a sense of pride in where we spend our days.  


Did you know that organizing saves you time?  Yes, the process is a time investment, but you will gain so much of your life back.  Think about the last time you went looking for something and just couldn’t find it? You know it’s there, but you can’t find it and your family can’t find it. So, what do you do? You’ve just spent minutes or even hours looking for an item. Then you drive to the store to purchase said item (ultimately wasting money).  Being organized might not mean you know exactly where everything is, but you know where to look for it and how to find it fast. Our time is precious and should be spent with the people we love, not looking for the things we own.


It might feel like it would take a lot of time to be an organized person.  And while maintaining an organized life does take work, it takes a lot more energy to be unorganized.  Not only do you lose physical energy spending all that time looking for misplaced items, but you lose mental energy by having cluttered and overwhelming surroundings. Taking the time to invest in organizing will take some energy but that energy will come back ten-fold.


I have said it before and I will say it again, most people do not know how much weight physical clutter can hold.  It adds stress to each day and with an organized home and life, you will find a sense of calm and feel more relaxed in the place that you call home.

If any of these benefits sound enticing to you, it might be time to make the call to Alli B Organizing, or another local organizer in your area.  Organizers are not here to judge you but to make you feel comfortable and to take you on a journey to a richer, more relaxed and fun filled life… creating a life and home that you are proud of.

Invest in your home. Invest in yourself. Invest in your life.

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Alli Bodnar Alli Bodnar

Spring Cleaning…more than Dust and Dirt 🧼

Springtime is just around the corner… and I want to give you some specific tips and areas of the home on which you can focus to become a wiz at the spring cleaning and decluttering process.

That’s right, I said it, we all know spring cleaning is right around the corner… but did you know it is about more than just getting rid of those dusty dirty corners? 

Springtime is a great time to work on cleaning as well as lightening the load you carry throughout your home. Most people do not know how big of a weight inanimate objects carry!

I could talk forever about the benefits of Spring Cleaning and Decluttering, but want to give you some specific tips and areas of the home on which you can focus to break up the process and make it more manageable for you!


The bedroom may feel like a generally stagnant place, but there are still some seasonal items that may need attention. Whether you keep all items out year-round, or you put things in storage, take a look around for:

1)    Flannel or seasonal sheets

2)    Excess blankets

3)    Leftover holiday decorations


If you are like me, you might keep all of your clothes out at all times.  However, many clients do a rotation of winter clothes and summer clothes.  If you are a seasonal clothing connoisseur, take this time to pack away all of those bulky sweaters and get out those swimsuits, shorts and tank-tops!

Regardless of your closet style, this is also a great time to declutter:

1)    Clothes that no longer fit your style

2)    Clothes that no longer fit your life

3)    And clothes that just… no longer fit!

The closet area can also include:

1)    Shoes that have seen better days,

2)    Jewelry that you no longer wear,

3)    Those holey socks that should be in the trash,

4)    Items that are ripped or stained.


The entryway will look differently depending on the makeup of your family.  However, there are still a few items that need attention regardless if you are a home of one or a home of six.

Items in your entryway that will need some Springtime assessment:

1)    Coats

a.    Are they past their prime? Maybe it is time for them to meet their friend the trash can.

b.    Do the coats fit or should they be donated/passed on?

c.    If you are keeping them all, will they stay there or be packed away during warmer weather (fyi… mine stay).

2)    Shoes

a.    Boots and winter shoes will need to be packed away, or moved to less prominent areas.

b.    Summer shoes should be assessed upon bringing them back into the space.

3)    Winter Gear

a.    Should they stay?

b.    Or should they go….

4)    Other items

Have other household items migrated into your entryway? This is a perfect time to take everything that does not belong and take them back to their respective homes.


The garage can be the most time-consuming part when you are swapping from winter to summer preparation. 

Without going into detail, areas in which you should consider packing away or moving are:

1)    Snow tools, salt etc.

2)    Anything that you’ve shoved in the space just because it was too cold (or dark) to deal with it.

Items you want to bring out to get ready for the season:

1)    Any yard upkeep tools or items

2)    Sporting equipment

3)    Outdoor toys

4)    Outdoor furniture

5)    Entertainment items


While most foods are not seasonal, early spring is a good time to assess things that you may want to eat before the weather gets warmer.  Perhaps you do less baking in the summer, it might be time to use up those brown bananas in the freezer or the boxes of brownie and cake mix you have acquired.  Personally, I eat a lot less soup in the warmer months, so I will make sure I eat through any premade soups and use up some of the broth that I have on hand.

This is also a good time to take a quick peak at some things you may have purchased last summer and never got around to eating.  Are they still good?  Would you rather just discard and start fresh this year?

Whole house (see how I slipped that in there…)

We have covered many of the areas in the home, but during the final wrap-up of your Spring Cleaning, it is a good time to take a look around.  Do you have any lingering decorations (I found a random Christmas item myself)? If so, pack them away! Do you see anything that could be fixed in 5 minutes or less? Take care of it! Did you create a pile of donations or trash while decluttering? Get ‘em outta here!


I hope you all know, this post was not to overwhelm you about all that you need to get done this Spring.  And in reality, if you don’t have time for any of it, life will move on!  But I wanted to break your home down into some key areas that if taken into consideration will make your summer more relaxing and your home feel more functional. 

Organization is a journey. It is a journey that takes time, patience, reassessment and commitment. 

If you’re ready to take that next step to an organized life, I am just a click away. Please check out to reach out to me today!

If you are already organized, I hope I can continue to teach you small tips and tricks to make it even easier for you.  Scroll down for a form to stay in touch :)

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Alli Bodnar Alli Bodnar

(Pre) Christmas (De) Clutter Challenge 🎄

I’d like to share what I believe to be the of the seven most important places to declutter before the holidays.

No, this does not mean you can forgo cleaning your bathrooms before your guests arrive, but it WILL help you throughout and after the holiday season.

The holidays can go a variety of ways for people.  Some people are super great planners and have their décor up already and are done buying gifts before Dec 1.  Others wrap presents at 3am on Christmas morning.  Regardless of where you fall on this scale, I hope that my (Pre) Christmas (De) Cluttering Tips will help for an easier holiday and an even more enjoyable post-holiday season!

I have listed these in an order which I recommend, but if you live in a cold area and need to get your gear in order first, go ahead!  If you wait to decorate until close to the holiday, move that to Day 7!  Make these tips work FOR YOU.

Now let’s get DECLUTTERING!!!

Day 1: Decorations 🕯️🔔🌟              

My steps for a successful holiday decorating season:


First… decorate using only the items that you have in your home!

2)    PURGE

After decorating, take a good hard look at the items that you do not use. 

Why did you not put them out? 

Are they broken—TRASH. 

Do you no longer love them—DONATE.

It is much easier to declutter and purge your items once you have evaluated what you will currently use and love.  The items that are not used this year, under most circumstances, no longer serve you and should head on their “merry” way…

3)    BUY

It might be very enticing while you are shopping at Target to pick up that cute new pillow or tabletop tree… but WAIT.

The key to keeping your décor manageable, is to wait to buy more items until you know exactly what you want/need.  Use restraint and do not buy more items until you have decorated and completed the purge!

4)    ENJOY

Day 2: Toys+Games & Gadget+Tech 🪀📀

Day two can vary depending on the makeup of your home.  Are you a family who has kids? Or are you an adult who has their own “toys” aka gadgets and tech.

Either way, before making a Wish List… take the time to evaluate what you already have. 


It is important to never purge someone elses items for them… and that includes children.  Take this time to sit down with your kid(s) and toss or donate the following types of items-

Broken toys or things missing pieces—TRASH

Toys that have not been played with in a year—DONATE

Having trouble letting go?

  • A great way to help explain the toy purge to children is that 1) it helps make room for new toys and 2) it will help brighten up another child’s holiday season for those less fortunate!


I recommend also taking a good hard look at what you own. 

Old phones/cables that no longer serve a purpose—DONATE

That old Xbox that has been collecting dust but still works—DONATE 

Old DVDs or CD’s that are covered in scratches and barely play—TRASH

You get the jist.

Take this day to assess what really needs to stay and what should be on its “merry” way.

Day 3: Coats & Winter Gear 🧥🧣🧤

I find day 3 to be one of the easiest.  The number of items that need evaluated is small, and usually there is less sentiment in winter gear. 

1)    Take all of the coats, hats, gloves, scarves etc. out of your coat closet.  Gather ones that might have never made it back home, and be sure to check your coat pockets for items too!

2)    Assess all of your items for rips/tears. 

Ripped coats and gloves without a match—TRASH

3)    Have all members of the household determine:

a) if they still like each item 

b) if each item still fits

For items that are just no longer wanted/needed—DONATE

4)    You can decide if it is easier to store all like items together or to sort everything by family member.  Whatever you decide, make this decision before putting them back into the closet.

Taking this inventory will not only set you up for a smoother holiday season, but will allow you to know what you might need to replace before the cold weather hits!

Day 4: Fridge/Freezer 🧊

If you did not join me on National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day… then IT IS TIME.

Whether you are hosting for the holidays, prepping side dishes and appetizers, or just need to make room for those leftovers that you’ll bring home… take this time to clean out your fridge and freezer.

1)    Take all items out.  If you have a full fridge, it is helpful to use a few coolers to keep meat and dairy items cool during this process. 

2)    Once emptied, wipe down all shelves with warm soapy water.

3)    Categorize your items, and TRASH anything that is expired, moldy or almost empty.

4)    Determine the best location for everything to live.

5)    Use bins or lazy susans (if you want) to contain like items for easier access.

6)    Put everything back in its nice clean home!

7)    BONUS: Add labels so the rest of the family knows where to return items.

Day 5: Pantry 🥫

Pantry day is very similar to fridge/freezer day.  Our main goal is to take an inventory of everything you have, eliminate old/expired items and make sure we are stocked with only what we need for a successful holiday season.

1)    Take all items out and categorize as you go.  It is sometimes helpful to use a folding table near the pantry if you are far from your counters. 

2)    Once emptied, wipe down all shelves.

3)    Categorize your items, and TRASH anything that is expired or almost empty and take inventory of what you have so you don’t buy duplicates on your next shopping trip.

4)    Determine the best location for everything to live.

5)    Use bins, baskets or lazy susans (if you want) to contain like items for easier access.

6)    Put everything back in its nice clean home!

7)    BONUS: Add labels so the rest of the family knows where to find everything!

Day 6: Serving & Kitchen Gadgets🍽️

As we count down the days to the holidays, we often spend more and more time in the kitchen. However, if our kitchen is filled with unnecessary clutter, we end up overwhelmed and more stressed than necessary.

Now I could give you a step by step plan for going through all of your drawers and cupboards, but we know no one has time for that during the month of December (and if you do… more props to you and I’m happy to share my steps!). 

But for the rest of us, here are my few tips:

1)    If you find you have multiple of the same cooking/serving utensil, take a realistic look and perhaps pair down the 8 whisks, 7 spatulas and 6 corkscrews!  Only keep what you could use in one evening.

2)    If you have to move a platter/bowl out of your way to get to what you really use, decide if it is worth keeping.

3)    If you find something you haven’t used in the last year, decide why:

Is it broken—TRASH. 

Do you no longer love it—DONATE

Do you have too many—DONATE


The less clutter that stands in the way of accomplishing your goals, the more relaxed and holiday ready you will feel.

Day 7: Gift Wrap Supplies 🎁🎀🏷️

Last but not least… we want to talk about all of that pesky wrapping paper, bags, tissue and “what if I need a box” boxes.

My suggestions here are similar to those that I give when discussing decorations. 

  • Use what you have FIRST.

  • Then go out and buy only what you might need for the rest of this holiday season.

This is my hardest area to practice what I preach, because I’m a sucker for a good wrapping paper and for some reason can’t get rid of “little boxes” even though I rarely have needed to use them. I buy excess and then next year want to go a “different direction” with the theme of the paper…

So learn from me and remember…

  • No one cares what color their wrapping paper is, or if the gift bags are color themed.

  • The more you can let go of these notions, the more time that you will actually enjoy with those you love—your family and friends.

So I lied… and the gift wrap was not the last one… 

BONUS: Clothes & Seasonal Items 🧦👚

Quick and simple… because who wants a bonus that is as hard as the regular list.

  • Turn all of your hangers around in your closet.

  • When you wash and return something, put them in with the hangers facing the normal direction. 

  • At the end of each season, evaluate everything that you did not wear **. 

If the items are torn/stained—TRASH

If the items no longer fit or you no longer love them—DONATE


**Pandemic times call for a little leniency, because you may not be attending events or hosting like you normally would

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