Don’t strike out because of “what ifs”.

Never let the fear of striking out decluttering keep you from playing the game getting organized. -Babe Ruth Alli B

In baseball, you must swing in order to hit the ball.

In organizing, you must declutter to make space for the things that matter! 

However, when faced with a tough pitcher like the phrase “what if”, often people are too afraid to even swing.

The tough “what ifs” of decluttering…

What if this is too hard?

What if I need this in the future?

What if people judge me?

But what about these…

What if I find something I once loved that was lost?

What if I feel calmer?

What if I can find everything I am looking for?

What if I donate something someone else really needs/wants?

What if I love my home after I’m done?

Doesn’t that sound amazing?

A home that you love with only the things that you need, all in places that you can find them.  Organizing is a process that takes time but is so worth it.  But before we can get organized, lets dive into those tough what ifs to learn how we can get through those without striking out!

What if this is too hard?

You’re right, decluttering CAN be hard! It is time-consuming and you can be faced with hard decisions.  I recommend a few things to make the process easier. 

  • Break it up into small chunks.  It is ok to start with one shelf, one drawer, or even one item.

  • You can go about it 1 of 2 (or more) ways.  You can look at each item and decide what is going to go (either trash or donate) OR you can go through everything and decide what to keep and get rid of what is left.

  • Start with items that have no sentimental value.

  • Start with your own items before working through someone else’s.

What if I need this in the future?

Sure, every once in awhile we declutter something that we end up needing in the future. Often this situation is rare, and even more often, we can go out and re-purchase the item that we no longer have.  Our houses have a capacity.  If you keep everything that you “might need some day” you will run out of room for things that you need now!

What if people judge me?

This is a fear I have witnessed many times.  I will begin by saying, if you are asking me for help, I am 100% judgement free.   I couldn’t care less about your current state of clutter, I just care about your goals and how to get you there!  And as for other folks, decluttering and getting organized is a form of self-care.  Anyone that judges you for wanting you to better yourself and your home needs thrown out of the game.

Whether you have decided to swing for the fences or simply want to bunt the ball, any time you step up to the decluttering plate, know that you are moving in the right direction.  Getting organized is a process that will not happen overnight, but you can’t let your fear of striking out decluttering keep you from playing the game getting organized.

Are you ready to play?


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