Frequently Asked Questions

Who do you work with?

Alli B Organizing is here to help you, no matter what stage of life you are in. I work with individuals who:

  • Are just moving/renovating and are working with a completely new space and those who have been in their space for a long time and need to re-vamp their systems.

  • Love to organize but need to have someone there to motivate them and those who hate the idea of organizing but would love to be organized.

  • Have no free time and need someone to create a home that has function, a sense of calm and runs efficiently and those who have so much time in the world that they have hobbies that have overrun their home.

  • Manage big families that need a sense of order brought to their day to day life and those live alone and need some companionship on this journey.

Should I clean up before you come?

No! An important part of being an organizer is seeing how everyone lives their day to day lives… and this includes messes. I want to assess your space in its natural state so that I can get to know you better and therefore help you come up with the perfect systems for you and/or your family. Alli B Organizing is completely judgement free, so bring on the clutter!

Should I buy “Product”?

That is a great question! I prefer that you wait to purchase bins/baskets etc. until after we have worked in your space. We can then buy exactly what you need and eliminate the hassle of returning things back to the store.

Is “Product” included in my session pricing?

Containers or any other product that you approve to be purchased is not included in your session pricing. Nothing will be purchased without your approval and it will require reimbursement before it is put into place in your home. Clear acrylic bins and hyacinth baskets are beautiful, but they are not always in everyone’s budget! Therefore, all types of budgets can be accommodated.

How do I know how many sessions to purchase?

During our initial consult, we will determine the approximate number of hours that it will take to complete your project(s). You can then determine the initial investment you would like to make. Some projects may take less time, leaving us opportunities to focus on other areas of the home. Other times there can be hiccups that will make the project take longer than expected, and we will determine best course of action in those moments.

When do I pay?

Package payments are due up front to secure dates on the calendar.  If you opt to purchase any additional materials, those payments will be due when the items are placed in your home. 

Do sessions or packages expire?

All pre-paid sessions or packages are good for 6 months after your first session. Organizing is a process that cannot be dragged out over a long period of time and still be successful. This helps keep my schedule open for future and current clients and helps keep you on the path to have a functional and organized life!