Services & Pricing

In-Home Organizing

I will work with you step by step decluttering, organizing and creating systems. Packages available.

New Parent Packages

Let’s tackle this new adventure together!
I offer a variety of services to help new or expectant parents get off to a great start!


Are you preparing for a move? Let me help you get some of your key spaces organized from the start!

Virtual Organizing

Virtual organizing is great for those who are able to do the work but just need some guidance/coaching/expert advice.

Nesting Parties

Let me help you, your friends and family prep your home for your new arrival! Think of me as your organizing hostess.

Holiday Decorating

Love the look of decor, but hate the process of decorating or tearing down? Look no further! I’m here to help.

In-Home Organizing

Organizing can be a daunting task for most individuals, and that is where I come into play! You can be as involved with the process as you want to be. Some customers like to have a say in each decision while others will, after some consulting, leave me to overhaul the space on my own.

With my In-Home Services, I will:

  • Take the time to learn how you and/or your family function in each space and create a vision of your perfect home and lifestyle.

  • Assess your space and current systems. I’ll then take inventory of what will be staying, what items need re-homed and what items will be headed out the door.

  • Determine if you want to purchase or re-use product to create homes for everything that will live in the space.

  • (MY FAVORITE PART) Take all of the items we have decided to keep and organize them into their aesthetically pleasing, but more importantly, functional homes.

  • (THE BEST PART) Teach you your new systems, and then stand back with you and admire your new space that will help you live a more clutter-free, fun and functional life.



$100/hour, minimum 3 hours

Includes: hours of on-site/in-home work; driving time, up to 60 min round trip; one donation drop-off per visit


Includes: hours of on-site/in-home work; driving time, up to 60 min round trip; one donation drop-off per visit;

PLUS: Product recommendation and space planning*, with online or in-person product shopping!

Package A- 12 Hours (10% off) - $1080 | save $120

Package B - 24 Hours (15% off) - $2040 | save $260

*Elfa Custom Space Design is a 10% fee of system cost

“Organizing our whole home with Alli B was an investment, but one that was well worth it.”

— Lauren R


Imagine this: You enter your new home and your kitchen, closet, playroom etc., are already unpacked, labeled and systemized. This is possible with the help of an organizer (that’s me!) Prior to the work, I will learn about you and your family. We will talk about your goals for your new house and how I can help you achieve that during what is typically a stressful time. I want to make you feel at home as quickly as possible.

Important: I am a 1 woman team. I love to help unpack but it takes time.

If you are flexible, planned a little in advance and want someone who will make your space work for you, you’re in the right place!

If you are looking for last minute, full home unpack, unfortunately, I am not your gal.



$100/hour, minimum 3 hours

Includes: hours of on-site/in-home work; driving time, up to 60 min round trip; one donation drop-off per visit


Package A- 12 Hours (10% off) - $1080 | save $120

Package B - 24 Hours (15% off) - $2040 | save $260

“I wholeheartedly recommend Alli to anyone looking to clear clutter and reduce stress in their home”— Katie O.

Virtual Organizing

Virtual organizing might sound out of the box for some of you, but with today’s technology, it is almost like I’m in your home! This option is great for those of you who are physically capable of doing the job but just might need some coaching, tips and tricks, motivation or expert advice.

  • We will connect via Zoom or Facetime and work on one space at a time.

  • I will act as your coach and motivator and direct you during our time together.

  • Virtual organizing will allow me to answer your questions and walk you through the process of what it takes to get a space organized.

  • It is best to schedule multiple sessions within a short time period (i.e. 1 month) to see true progress in your home.

  • This is to focus on one space at a time, not to ask questions throughout the entire house.

Priced Per Hour: $75/hour, minimum session 1hr-maximum session 2hr

Pricing includes: video session time; product recommendation with online product shopping (done during our call); and unlimited access to my organizing resources.

“We had Alli organize our kitchen and it was a game changer for sure.”

— Christine A.

Holiday Decorating/ Teardown

Do you love a decorated house but decorating? How about the dreaded holiday teardown? Let me help make your dream a reality as you sit back and sip that cup of cocoa!

  • I will decorate using items you already have in your home.

  • Holiday decor shopping can be added for an additional fee.

  • We can declutter any or all items that you choose not to use this year, have broken or you no longer love.

  • Teardown packages include prep-work for an easier holiday season next year.

Priced Per Hour: $95/hour, minimum 3 hours