(Pre) Christmas (De) Clutter Challenge šŸŽ„

The holidays can go a variety of ways for people.  Some people are super great planners and have their dĆ©cor up already and are done buying gifts before Dec 1.  Others wrap presents at 3am on Christmas morning.  Regardless of where you fall on this scale, I hope that my (Pre) Christmas (De) Cluttering Tips will help for an easier holiday and an even more enjoyable post-holiday season!

I have listed these in an order which I recommend, but if you live in a cold area and need to get your gear in order first, go ahead!  If you wait to decorate until close to the holiday, move that to Day 7!  Make these tips work FOR YOU.

Now letā€™s get DECLUTTERING!!!

Day 1: Decorations šŸ•ÆļøšŸ””šŸŒŸ              

My steps for a successful holiday decorating season:


Firstā€¦ decorate using only the items that you have in your home!

2)    PURGE

After decorating, take a good hard look at the items that you do not use. 

Why did you not put them out? 

Are they brokenā€”TRASH. 

Do you no longer love themā€”DONATE.

It is much easier to declutter and purge your items once you have evaluated what you will currently use and love.  The items that are not used this year, under most circumstances, no longer serve you and should head on their ā€œmerryā€ wayā€¦

3)    BUY

It might be very enticing while you are shopping at Target to pick up that cute new pillow or tabletop treeā€¦ but WAIT.

The key to keeping your dĆ©cor manageable, is to wait to buy more items until you know exactly what you want/need.  Use restraint and do not buy more items until you have decorated and completed the purge!

4)    ENJOY

Day 2: Toys+Games & Gadget+Tech šŸŖ€šŸ“€

Day two can vary depending on the makeup of your home.  Are you a family who has kids? Or are you an adult who has their own ā€œtoysā€ aka gadgets and tech.

Either way, before making a Wish Listā€¦ take the time to evaluate what you already have. 


It is important to never purge someone elses items for themā€¦ and that includes children.  Take this time to sit down with your kid(s) and toss or donate the following types of items-

Broken toys or things missing piecesā€”TRASH

Toys that have not been played with in a yearā€”DONATE

Having trouble letting go?

  • A great way to help explain the toy purge to children is that 1) it helps make room for new toys and 2) it will help brighten up another childā€™s holiday season for those less fortunate!


I recommend also taking a good hard look at what you own. 

Old phones/cables that no longer serve a purposeā€”DONATE

That old Xbox that has been collecting dust but still worksā€”DONATE 

Old DVDs or CDā€™s that are covered in scratches and barely playā€”TRASH

You get the jist.

Take this day to assess what really needs to stay and what should be on its ā€œmerryā€ way.

Day 3: Coats & Winter Gear šŸ§„šŸ§£šŸ§¤

I find day 3 to be one of the easiest.  The number of items that need evaluated is small, and usually there is less sentiment in winter gear. 

1)    Take all of the coats, hats, gloves, scarves etc. out of your coat closet.  Gather ones that might have never made it back home, and be sure to check your coat pockets for items too!

2)    Assess all of your items for rips/tears. 

Ripped coats and gloves without a matchā€”TRASH

3)    Have all members of the household determine:

a) if they still like each item 

b) if each item still fits

For items that are just no longer wanted/neededā€”DONATE

4)    You can decide if it is easier to store all like items together or to sort everything by family member.  Whatever you decide, make this decision before putting them back into the closet.

Taking this inventory will not only set you up for a smoother holiday season, but will allow you to know what you might need to replace before the cold weather hits!

Day 4: Fridge/Freezer šŸ§Š

If you did not join me on National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Dayā€¦ then IT IS TIME.

Whether you are hosting for the holidays, prepping side dishes and appetizers, or just need to make room for those leftovers that youā€™ll bring homeā€¦ take this time to clean out your fridge and freezer.

1)    Take all items out.  If you have a full fridge, it is helpful to use a few coolers to keep meat and dairy items cool during this process. 

2)    Once emptied, wipe down all shelves with warm soapy water.

3)    Categorize your items, and TRASH anything that is expired, moldy or almost empty.

4)    Determine the best location for everything to live.

5)    Use bins or lazy susans (if you want) to contain like items for easier access.

6)    Put everything back in its nice clean home!

7)    BONUS: Add labels so the rest of the family knows where to return items.

Day 5: Pantry šŸ„«

Pantry day is very similar to fridge/freezer day.  Our main goal is to take an inventory of everything you have, eliminate old/expired items and make sure we are stocked with only what we need for a successful holiday season.

1)    Take all items out and categorize as you go.  It is sometimes helpful to use a folding table near the pantry if you are far from your counters. 

2)    Once emptied, wipe down all shelves.

3)    Categorize your items, and TRASH anything that is expired or almost empty and take inventory of what you have so you donā€™t buy duplicates on your next shopping trip.

4)    Determine the best location for everything to live.

5)    Use bins, baskets or lazy susans (if you want) to contain like items for easier access.

6)    Put everything back in its nice clean home!

7)    BONUS: Add labels so the rest of the family knows where to find everything!

Day 6: Serving & Kitchen GadgetsšŸ½ļø

As we count down the days to the holidays, we often spend more and more time in the kitchen. However, if our kitchen is filled with unnecessary clutter, we end up overwhelmed and more stressed than necessary.

Now I could give you a step by step plan for going through all of your drawers and cupboards, but we know no one has time for that during the month of December (and if you doā€¦ more props to you and Iā€™m happy to share my steps!). 

But for the rest of us, here are my few tips:

1)    If you find you have multiple of the same cooking/serving utensil, take a realistic look and perhaps pair down the 8 whisks, 7 spatulas and 6 corkscrews!  Only keep what you could use in one evening.

2)    If you have to move a platter/bowl out of your way to get to what you really use, decide if it is worth keeping.

3)    If you find something you havenā€™t used in the last year, decide why:

Is it brokenā€”TRASH. 

Do you no longer love itā€”DONATE

Do you have too manyā€”DONATE


The less clutter that stands in the way of accomplishing your goals, the more relaxed and holiday ready you will feel.

Day 7: Gift Wrap Supplies šŸŽšŸŽ€šŸ·ļø

Last but not leastā€¦ we want to talk about all of that pesky wrapping paper, bags, tissue and ā€œwhat if I need a boxā€ boxes.

My suggestions here are similar to those that I give when discussing decorations. 

  • Use what you have FIRST.

  • Then go out and buy only what you might need for the rest of this holiday season.

This is my hardest area to practice what I preach, because Iā€™m a sucker for a good wrapping paper and for some reason canā€™t get rid of ā€œlittle boxesā€ even though I rarely have needed to use them. I buy excess and then next year want to go a ā€œdifferent directionā€ with the theme of the paperā€¦

So learn from me and rememberā€¦

  • No one cares what color their wrapping paper is, or if the gift bags are color themed.

  • The more you can let go of these notions, the more time that you will actually enjoy with those you loveā€”your family and friends.

So I liedā€¦ and the gift wrap was not the last oneā€¦ 

BONUS: Clothes & Seasonal Items šŸ§¦šŸ‘š

Quick and simpleā€¦ because who wants a bonus that is as hard as the regular list.

  • Turn all of your hangers around in your closet.

  • When you wash and return something, put them in with the hangers facing the normal direction. 

  • At the end of each season, evaluate everything that you did not wear **. 

If the items are torn/stainedā€”TRASH

If the items no longer fit or you no longer love themā€”DONATE


**Pandemic times call for a little leniency, because you may not be attending events or hosting like you normally would


Spring Cleaningā€¦more than Dust and Dirt šŸ§¼