Spring Cleaning…more than Dust and Dirt 🧼

That’s right, I said it, we all know spring cleaning is right around the corner… but did you know it is about more than just getting rid of those dusty dirty corners? 

Springtime is a great time to work on cleaning as well as lightening the load you carry throughout your home. Most people do not know how big of a weight inanimate objects carry!

I could talk forever about the benefits of Spring Cleaning and Decluttering, but want to give you some specific tips and areas of the home on which you can focus to break up the process and make it more manageable for you!


The bedroom may feel like a generally stagnant place, but there are still some seasonal items that may need attention. Whether you keep all items out year-round, or you put things in storage, take a look around for:

1)    Flannel or seasonal sheets

2)    Excess blankets

3)    Leftover holiday decorations


If you are like me, you might keep all of your clothes out at all times.  However, many clients do a rotation of winter clothes and summer clothes.  If you are a seasonal clothing connoisseur, take this time to pack away all of those bulky sweaters and get out those swimsuits, shorts and tank-tops!

Regardless of your closet style, this is also a great time to declutter:

1)    Clothes that no longer fit your style

2)    Clothes that no longer fit your life

3)    And clothes that just… no longer fit!

The closet area can also include:

1)    Shoes that have seen better days,

2)    Jewelry that you no longer wear,

3)    Those holey socks that should be in the trash,

4)    Items that are ripped or stained.


The entryway will look differently depending on the makeup of your family.  However, there are still a few items that need attention regardless if you are a home of one or a home of six.

Items in your entryway that will need some Springtime assessment:

1)    Coats

a.    Are they past their prime? Maybe it is time for them to meet their friend the trash can.

b.    Do the coats fit or should they be donated/passed on?

c.    If you are keeping them all, will they stay there or be packed away during warmer weather (fyi… mine stay).

2)    Shoes

a.    Boots and winter shoes will need to be packed away, or moved to less prominent areas.

b.    Summer shoes should be assessed upon bringing them back into the space.

3)    Winter Gear

a.    Should they stay?

b.    Or should they go….

4)    Other items

Have other household items migrated into your entryway? This is a perfect time to take everything that does not belong and take them back to their respective homes.


The garage can be the most time-consuming part when you are swapping from winter to summer preparation. 

Without going into detail, areas in which you should consider packing away or moving are:

1)    Snow tools, salt etc.

2)    Anything that you’ve shoved in the space just because it was too cold (or dark) to deal with it.

Items you want to bring out to get ready for the season:

1)    Any yard upkeep tools or items

2)    Sporting equipment

3)    Outdoor toys

4)    Outdoor furniture

5)    Entertainment items


While most foods are not seasonal, early spring is a good time to assess things that you may want to eat before the weather gets warmer.  Perhaps you do less baking in the summer, it might be time to use up those brown bananas in the freezer or the boxes of brownie and cake mix you have acquired.  Personally, I eat a lot less soup in the warmer months, so I will make sure I eat through any premade soups and use up some of the broth that I have on hand.

This is also a good time to take a quick peak at some things you may have purchased last summer and never got around to eating.  Are they still good?  Would you rather just discard and start fresh this year?

Whole house (see how I slipped that in there…)

We have covered many of the areas in the home, but during the final wrap-up of your Spring Cleaning, it is a good time to take a look around.  Do you have any lingering decorations (I found a random Christmas item myself)? If so, pack them away! Do you see anything that could be fixed in 5 minutes or less? Take care of it! Did you create a pile of donations or trash while decluttering? Get ‘em outta here!


I hope you all know, this post was not to overwhelm you about all that you need to get done this Spring.  And in reality, if you don’t have time for any of it, life will move on!  But I wanted to break your home down into some key areas that if taken into consideration will make your summer more relaxing and your home feel more functional. 

Organization is a journey. It is a journey that takes time, patience, reassessment and commitment. 

If you’re ready to take that next step to an organized life, I am just a click away. Please check out www.alliborganizing.com/contact to reach out to me today!

If you are already organized, I hope I can continue to teach you small tips and tricks to make it even easier for you.  Scroll down for a form to stay in touch :)


ROI: The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Organizer


(Pre) Christmas (De) Clutter Challenge 🎄