ROI: The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Organizer




1.     expend money with the expectation of achieving a profit or material result 

2.     devote (one's time, effort, or energy) to a particular undertaking with the expectation of a worthwhile result

If you have ever talked to a professional organizer, you may have heard the word invest/investment.  I even use the word investment when talking to my own clients.  This is because, just like hiring a plumber or electrician, hiring a professional organizer comes at a price.  Professional Organizers have the tools and techniques to take your house from cluttered and chaotic to contained and calm.

I would love to tell you more about the investment… trust me I could talk about what I do for hours… But what I really want to talk about today is the ROIReturn. On. Investment.

Yes, this means that when you hire an organizer, not only do you get an organized home…

you get SO MUCH MORE

Money. Actual Money

I can’t tell you how many clients have found literal money while decluttering or organizing.  Yes, it could be just a few dollars, but it is a few dollars more than you had when we began this process! Many clients find miscellaneous gift cards as well while digging through junk drawers or purses. Or you could be like a colleague’s client who found $5k in misplaced checks! While this is not always a guarantee, who doesn’t love the possibility of finding misplaced money??

Future Expenses

When decluttering or organizing, many individuals find things they simply did not know, or had forgotten they had!  I recently had a client who said her new organized closet felt like she was going shopping.  No, we had not purchased her new clothes, but simply being able to see what she owned in a clutter-free environment, allowed it to feel brand new. I also often hear that a client recently purchased or was about to purchase an item because they did not remember they already owned it.  Decluttering or getting organized will allow you to know what you already have in your home and will ultimately save you so much money in the future.


As a recent client of mine shared, “I feel like I’ve done a 180”.  After a few sessions together, you can begin to find that motivation that was once lost.  This could be motivation for more decluttering and organizing, working out, cooking… you name it.  Being a part of the organization process and seeing progress made in your home can be so inspirational.


Calling in an organizer can sometimes bring a sense of shame or guilt to a potential client.  First and foremost, I am here to tell you that everyone needs help (yes even organizers) and I truly hope you find someone who you feel comfortable sharing your situation with. We are not here to judge or make you feel ashamed. Organizing can truly take what was once a place in which you wanted to hide from the world into a place that you are proud of.  I recently worked with a woman who was even afraid to show me her closet.  By the end of the project, she said “I can’t wait to show this to all of my friends.”  It truly demonstrates how transformative working with a professional organizer can be.  We all deserve to love our homes and deserve to have a sense of pride in where we spend our days.  


Did you know that organizing saves you time?  Yes, the process is a time investment, but you will gain so much of your life back.  Think about the last time you went looking for something and just couldn’t find it? You know it’s there, but you can’t find it and your family can’t find it. So, what do you do? You’ve just spent minutes or even hours looking for an item. Then you drive to the store to purchase said item (ultimately wasting money).  Being organized might not mean you know exactly where everything is, but you know where to look for it and how to find it fast. Our time is precious and should be spent with the people we love, not looking for the things we own.


It might feel like it would take a lot of time to be an organized person.  And while maintaining an organized life does take work, it takes a lot more energy to be unorganized.  Not only do you lose physical energy spending all that time looking for misplaced items, but you lose mental energy by having cluttered and overwhelming surroundings. Taking the time to invest in organizing will take some energy but that energy will come back ten-fold.


I have said it before and I will say it again, most people do not know how much weight physical clutter can hold.  It adds stress to each day and with an organized home and life, you will find a sense of calm and feel more relaxed in the place that you call home.

If any of these benefits sound enticing to you, it might be time to make the call to Alli B Organizing, or another local organizer in your area.  Organizers are not here to judge you but to make you feel comfortable and to take you on a journey to a richer, more relaxed and fun filled life… creating a life and home that you are proud of.

Invest in your home. Invest in yourself. Invest in your life.


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