New Parent Packages

Not only do you now have another human being that relies on you for every single thing… but babies come with A LOT OF STUFF. Whether you are awaiting your new bundle of joy or they have already arrived and you find yourself overwhelmed… I want to help you create systems and thrive in the chaos of this new adventure.

Pre-Baby Brainstorm

A 1.5 hour walkthrough of your home, where you can pick my brain about all things baby stuff!

Nursery Organization

A special package for a special place. Let me help you plan and set up your nursery for your new arrival!

Bringing Home Baby

Need some help outside of the nursery? This package is the Nursery package PLUS more product and more home!

Nesting Parties

Let me help you plan a nesting party! Not sure what that is? Click the button below to help transform a life!

Pre-Baby Brainstorm

Have you ever wondered… how would an organizer do this? This pre-baby brainstorm will give you all of those answers.

A 1.5 hour walkthrough of your home, where you can pick my brain about all things baby stuff! Ask about registry ideas, show me all of the fun new things you have, discuss location or setup, figure out how to begin setting up systems so you have a (less hectic) time when baby arrives!


Nursery Organization

I know how difficult organizing can be for some individuals. Now you’re throwing a whole additional human into the mix… who, lets be honest… comes with SO MUCH STUFF. Let me help you prepare your nursery space for your new arrival. You can be as involved with the process as you want to be. Some clients like to have a say in each decision while others will, after some consulting, leave me to overhaul the space on my own.


Pricing includes:

  • 2 organizing days, during 2 separate weeks (to give ample time for product sourcing)*

  • Driving time, up to 60 min round trip

  • Product recommendation with online or in-person product shopping

  • Up to $75 in FREE organizational products

  • Unpackaging post-baby shower (if needed)

  • Assembly of 1 piece of furniture

*a custom closet can be designed and installed for an additional cost

Bringing Home Baby

So you’ve thought about organizing the nursery, and that is a little overwhelming. But then you throw the rest of the house into the mix… and WOW. New babies stuff just seems to take over every nook and cranny. I’d love to help you not only set up your nursery for current systems, but help you in another area of the house as well. Maybe you already have a playroom that is out of control. Or perhaps there is no room in your kitchen for tiny utensils, bottles, binkies etc. You get to choose the additional space that we work on. Speaking of working on… you can be involved or let me to it! If decluttering is the name of the game, its best you’re a participant. But if you’ve already decluttered and just need a new vision, leave me to it. You’ll be glad you did.


Pricing includes:

  • 4 organizing days, during 2 separate weeks (to give ample time for product sourcing)*

  • Everything included in Nursery Organization Package PLUS

  • Up to $200 in FREE organizational product

  • Work in your choice of the following additional areas: Kitchen, Playroom, Living Room, Bathroom, Storage

*a custom closet can be designed and installed for an additional cost