Media & Press

Alli B Organizing is featured in The Spruce

8 Items Professional Organizers Are Throwing Away for the New Year

“take the time to recycle any boxes or gift bags that are in poor condition…”

Alli B Organizing is featured in The Spruce

7 Storage and Organization Trends to Expect in 2023

“…what works for most families is organizational systems that help keep the day to day clutter at bay…”

Alli B Organizing is featured in Redfin about organizing mail and packages

20 Clever Ways To Organize And Maximize Every Room In Your Apartment (And Keep Them That Way)

“Creating systems to deal with mail and packages entering your home is essential to maintaining an organized space…”

Alli B was featured on PTL, Pittsburgh Today Live about closet organization

Spring Cleaning Week: Closet Organizing

“PTL's Mikey Hood gets some advice from professional organizer Alli Bodnar on how to clean-up her closet.”